Chat Startup Ideas

A startup that provides a “human-centric” wellness program that connects patients with care professionals in the form of video chats. The startup uses a live video chat to help employers hire workers quickly. It uses AI to match candidates to employers, and allows employers to ask questions and validate candidates before hiring. This startup is building a chatbot to help employers and employees connect with each other, and help employers better understand their employees’ needs and how they can help them. A platform that acts as a social network for people to organize and attend events in real life, in the same way Snapchat does for people in their digital social network. A startup that wants to put chatbots in the hands of real estate agents, to make the process simpler and faster. A startup co-founded by Y Combinator alum Sam Altman, this is a social network where you can make friends with the people you meet through the app. Users pay for memberships and can then message and chat with others on the platform. A chatbot that helps users figure out what to do next when they’re faced with a decision.

The startup wants to bring AI to the financial planning industry, which has historically been dominated by humans, who can be biased and inefficient. A “marketplace for bots”, where businesses can hire software agents to handle tasks on their behalf. The startup says they can automate tasks like scheduling, scheduling, transcribing, email, and chat support. A platform that lets companies develop chatbots and have them respond to customer questions without any need for developers. A Toronto-based Build AI Chatbot With Python startup that brings a trusted chat experience to your mobile device, with a built-in customer support system. A startup that wants to create a platform that allows people to participate in virtual competitions using video chat. The platform will launch in the UK and the US in the second half of the year, and will allow people to compete in a range of different games, from puzzle solving to trivia. A video-chatting app that allows you to meet new people in a safe environment.

Artificial Intelligence Technology Trends That Matter For Business In 2022

Intelligent Virtual Agents are smart and more human-like chatbots and speakers. Alforithmic states the “digital Einstein” is meant as a showcase for what will before long be possible with conversational social commerce. Which is a extravagant way of expressing deepfakes that make like historic figures will possibly be attempting to sell you pizza soon more than enough, as sector watchers have presciently warned. Turns out the truth about high-tech “lies” is itself a bit of a layer cake. But with deepfakes it’s not the sophistication of the technology that matters so much as the impact the content has — and that’s always going to depend upon context. And however well the faking is done, how people respond to what they see and hear can shift the whole narrative — from a positive story (creative/educational synthesized media) to something deeply negative . Alforithmic says the “digital Einstein” is intended as a showcase for what will soon be possible with conversational social commerce. Which is a fancy way of saying deepfakes that make like historical figures will probably be trying to sell you pizza soon enough, as industry watchers have presciently warned.

A chatbot that can let people know when their friends are sexually active. A chat bot that helps you find the cheapest flights to your destination, set alerts for when prices drop, and handle tons of other travel-related tasks. The startup is focused on helping travelers manage their itineraries and get the most out of their travel. The new funding will be used for R&D for the API audio-production engine, voice cloning, and talent acquisition. That is where the solution offered by Aflorithmic comes into play as it automates the entire audio production process, including text-to-voice.

aidriven audio startup voice to chatbot

Lots of other sales, marketing, and support tools to directly integrate with your chatbot and share one common data source with. London and Barcelona-based audio-as-a-service SaaS startup Aflorithmic has seeded € 1 from Crowd Media Holdings, an Australia-based company that focuses on influencer-based social commerce and marketing. Yes, voice chatbots can be an excellent tool to generate leads and lengthen your lead pipeline. Well-trained voice AI chatbots can listen, understand, and deduce relevant product information to visitors. They are more likely to act upon to give their contact information – voila! However, with voicebots, customers are no longer left waiting for a support agent for every interaction, irrespective of whether it is a basic or advanced query.


A startup that uses text messaging to help people who are sick or at risk of infection simply call in and connect with a nurse or other professional for a chat, instead of having to go to the doctor’s office. Jeeves is a service that lets people reserve rooms on Airbnb, post photos, and chat with hosts. It’s currently running in San Francisco and Los Angeles and has plans to expand to New York City, Chicago, and Washington, DC. A telemedicine startup that connects patients to health care professionals via email, chat, video, and phone. A way to quickly create and administer private group chat messages for teams. You can learn a lot about people by what they’re discussing, and what they’re saying is more than just idle chatter.

Automated inspection in manufacturing implies the analysis of products in terms of their compliance with quality standards. In recent years, this direction has been prospering because of the increasing accuracy and performance. Companies started to invest both computational and financial resources to develop сomputer vision systems at a faster rate. The intensive development of AI inspection is also connected with a rapid progress in the domain of object detection in video frames. The logotypes in the picture below were created with the help of GANs, you can find more information in the research. Artificial Intelligence is beneficial for a flexible setup of security systems.

This Startup Wants To Use Ai To Make It Easier For People To Build Virtual Assistants, Using A Chat Platform

Inovia offers an AI-based virtual assistant to manage customer and brand performance. Its products enable customer care teams to provide customer support using a chatbot. Other solutions include voice recognition, improve call center productivity, and a Big Data platform to improve effectiveness and sales performance. It leverages AI and IoT technologies to provide actionable insights from the data. Additionally, major technology companies, such as Google, Apple and Facebook, have developed their messaging apps into chatbot platforms to handle services like orders, payments and bookings.

aidriven audio startup voice to chatbot

The final category of NLP startups in this article is the only one oriented around a specific industry vertical. From chatbots to search, it turns out that most language AI capabilities have broad horizontal applicability across industries. While opportunities for vertical-specific NLP applications do exist in some other industries, for instance financial services and law, no sector offers a greater breadth of language AI use cases than healthcare. A platform that helps developers test their applications by letting them build their own custom AI, using a machine-learning library. The startup is working on building specific AI to handle specific jobs, like building custom chatbots. A startup that aims to help companies buy and sell software as a service.

What Are The Challenges Of Using Chatbots?

This partially automated approach enables Lilt to provide translation that is cheaper than using human translators and at the same time more accurate than using AI alone. A computer that receives and translates text from the internet into speech. This company is building a “chatbot-based sales force” that helps customers with their orders, and to track their orders once they’ve placed one. A platform that allows businesses to manage customer service, sales, and marketing team through one dashboard, combining CRM, chat, and email functionality.

  • The company specializes in the fields of AI, customer engagement, customer service, chatbots, and enterprise.
  • A company building a customer service software platform that connects businesses with their customers via chat.
  • The platform uses “recipe” workflows and has a couple other features which make it unique from other chatbot platforms.

Today, there is so much your users can get done by simply using their voice, even when your support agents are offline. Both voice chatbots and assistants rely on the same technology – Natural Language Processing to understand human speech and deliver relevant speech-based results. Voice chatbots take AI chatbots to the next level by letting customers communicate with the AI using natural speech. You can talk to the voice chatbot just as you would to someone in person and have the bot respond in a voice of its own. Natural language processing makes interacting with the voice chatbot effortless. People are already used to interacting with voice assistants in their homes with Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. A sales and marketing automation tool that gives salespeople a way to communicate with customers through email, chat, phone and social media. The company is also building a better CRM and lead management system. A startup that offers a virtual customer service platform that allows large companies to easily create customer service chatbots.

#5 Best Sales Chatbot: Imperson

An AI-powered chatbot that can help companies and employees schedule meetings, handle travel coordination, book rooms and even help with pre-determined tasks in the office. A tool for people to create their own version of Slack where they can host a chat group at their own location. A startup that wants to provide “secure and private” chat rooms for people to meet up, without having to give out personal information. A platform that allows users to chat with each other in a currency-agnostic way, where they can “send” and “receive” money. A Slack-style team chat app for small teams working together aidriven audio startup voice to chatbot in the same office. A chatbot that allows companies to respond to service requests with text messages. A chatbot for cleaning services that can be used by small employers, bringing a bit of automation to a very manual process. Startup that allows users to send secure messages from the popular messaging app WeChat to their friends, family, co-workers and other contacts. It looks a lot like Slack, but only allows internal employees to join a company chatroom. A startup that helps teachers and students collaborate on homework and projects in real-time by connecting them through a chatroom.